Gallery 333, 333 Old Main Rd., N. Falmouth, MA, Arlene Hecht, owner and director.
Mimi Schlichter

The Real Me
"The Real Me"
Oil on canvas, 12 x 24"

Porch Sittin'
"Porch Sittin'"

Mimi Schlichter was born and raised in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. She started painting at the age of 13, studying privately with Jeanie Moyer of Moyer’s Art Gallery in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. She followed the art major curriculum at Cedar Cliff High School in Camp Hill. She deferred her art career to pursue interests in Animal Science at the University of Delaware, transferring to Gettysburg College where she received a BA Degree in Biology in 1982. The following year was spent at Lutheran Theological Seminary as a candidate for the Ministry. Additionally, Ms. Schlichter studied for and received certification from the International Institute of Reflexology in the Ingham Method of Reflexology.

Mimi continued private art instruction with Jeanie Moyer for 25 years and completed several courses at the Rhode Island School of Design. She continues to learn from many artist role models. Painting throughout her life, she has a successful career teaching and exhibiting her paintings. She prefers oils, pastels and prima color.

Exhibits and gallery showings have included The Marion Wine and Arts Festival (top prize winner), West Falmouth Library Annual Art Show and Sale (West Falmouth), Falmouth Artist’s Guild (Falmouth, MA), Gallery 30 (Gettysburg, PA), Greystone’s Gallery and History Emporium (Gettysburg,PA), Coffee Obsession (Woods Hole, MA), The Faxon Center at the Falmouth Hospital, and Falmouth Community Television (FCTV), and Bellezza Spa (Falmouth, MA.) Clients have included Cape Cod Life publications, the Falmouth Theater Guild, and numerous Bed and Breakfasts and Country Inns throughout the country, in addition to private commissions from individuals nationally and abroad. Schlichter is currently represented by Gallery 333 of North Falmouth, Massachusetts.

By the Shore
"By the Shore"

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